Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kitchen Cool Swap

I took part in the Woolaholics Kitchen Cool Swap. I sent my swappee, Bec, a recycled bag water bottle holder and 4 Christmas wine charms. It was my first go at both a recycled bag project and a wire crochet project so it took a little longer to complete than I anticipated. Hey starting a new forum in between didn't speed things up either LOL.

I am always making fabulous stuff to give away, so I promised myself to stop doing that. I took some time out to make myself some wine charms as well. I think they turned out OK.

I got the pattern for the wine charms from here

And the pattern for the recycled bag water bottle holder from here

Both patterns were written well and easy to follow.

Lucky me got a parcel in return. I am still not sure who it is from. It came from Geelong.

I received two dishcloths and pot scrubbers. The disclothes are too nice for my sink so I am going to use them on the children in the bath. :D I also got a felted bowl. I have been wanting to make one for ages to put by bibs and bobs in. I always have a scatter of little things on my kitchen bench, so now I have somewhere for them all to live.

Thankyou Swapper! KOTC

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